Hoover Punishes ABC for Canceling My Soap Opera

Thanks, Hoover. I've only had terrible luck with your vacuums, but I appreciate that your corporate bigwigs are trying to keep All My Children on the air::

The first advertiser to step forth and protest ABC Daytime’s decision to dispatch with both All My Children and One Life to Live, Hoover announced on Monday that it was pulling its advertising from ABC as a whole effective this Friday. In fact, “We’re making every attempt to pull our spots from these programs sooner,” reads the message from Brian Kirkendall, Hoover’s VP of Marketing, posted to the company’s Facebook page.

In a nice, personal touch, Kirkendall shares that his wife and mother are “both passionate viewers of All My Children and One Life to Live, as are many of my colleagues here at Hoover.” As such, he says that Hoover is “as disappointed with this [double cancellation] news as you are.”

Beyond not showing ABC the money, Hoover has set up the email address SaveTheSoaps@Hoover.com. The company will collect messages from soap fans and relay them to ABC through its own channels.

“We’re 150% committed to doing what matters most to you,” says Hoover’s rallying cry to soap fans, “so if there’s anything else we can do to help or you have any ideas, please email [us].”