Read to a dog at your local public library

Read to a dog at your local public library
Courtesy of Pima County Public Library
Reading while snuggled up to a dog is a wonderful way for kids to practice their reading skills. The Pima Animal Care Center is bringing a team of therapy dogs to Pima County Libraries to sit with kids while they read.

Kids are welcome to sit and read with a dog, practice reading aloud, sound out words, or just find joy in reading. Dogs will never judge, so kids can practice without worry of making a mistake. It gives kids the freedom and the enjoyment to begin a lifelong love of reading.

You can also read to your child while sitting with the dog if your child is not of reading age.

Read to a dog is a regular event held at participating Pima County Libraries. See the event schedule for dates, times, and locations.

When: Saturday, July 27, 2019
Where: Joel D. Valdez Main Library
Children's Room, 1st Floor
Time: 11 a.m. - Noon
(This event is recurring, see event schedule for other dates, times, and locations)