Information About a Fund for the Shooting Victims

From a press release issued by the Pima County Attorney's office:

The shooting incident that occurred on January 8th has had far-reaching consequences, affecting not only those who were directly victimized, but witnesses and family members who will be actively involved as cases progress through the criminal justice system. This type of involvement is not only emotionally demanding, but can also take a financial toll on victims and their families.

A local nonprofit victim services organization, Homicide Survivors, Inc., has set up a fund to help the victims, witnesses, and their families. The Tucson Tragedy Victim Fund will be earmarked specifically to help victims, witnesses, and families of the January 8, 2011 mass shooting. The funds will be available to help cover expenses not covered by other sources, such as medical costs, mental health expenses, loss of wages, and funeral expenses. In addition, the funds will be available to help cover other expenses, such as property loss and damage. For relatives of victims who live outside Tucson, the Fund can assist with travel, food, and lodging expenses associated with attending hearings and trials. If you are interested in making a tax deductible donation, please send a check or money order to:

Tucson Tragedy Victim Fund
c/o Homicide Survivors, Inc.
32 N. Stone Ave., Ste. 1408
Tucson, AZ 85701
(520) 740-5729

Also, many of the victims may be eligible for funds from the Pima County Crime Victim Compensation Fund, which is administered by the Pima County Attorney’s Office. This Fund is comprised solely of fines and fees paid by defendants in the criminal justice system. It can assist victims in paying for medical costs, counseling expenses, loss of wages, and funeral expenses. This Crime Victim Compensation Fund is a fund of last resort after other sources of payment, such as insurance, have been exhausted. Any victim or witness may be eligible for crime victim compensation. To get an application or for more information, please contact us at 520-740-5525 or visit