Pullen Done As GOP State Chairman?

It’s a bit of inside baseball, but Republican Party operatives are chattering this morning about a blow to Randy Pullen, the state chairman of the Arizona Republican Party.

It’s no secret that Pullen doesn’t play well with U.S. Sens. John McCain and Jon Kyl. There’s been so much friction that the senators have declined to raise money for the Arizona Republican Party.

Last night, the McCain forces struck back against Pullen, finding enough supporters to block his election as a state committeeman at the Legislative District 11 meeting.

That means that Pullen is ineligible to run for another term as state party chairman, which would dash his dream of challenging Michael Steele for the chairmanship of the Republican National Committee—if that was Pullen’s dream. (And we’ve heard that he did harbor those ambitions.)

We also hear there may be parliamentary maneuvers that Pullen could use to appoint himself as a state committeeman in order to make a comeback. (We’ll admit that we’re not entirely clear on the obscure rules in place for Republican Party leadership positions.)