Today in Livestock-Themed Activities

Cow crap is endless fun. Kids use it for everything from Frisbees to baseball bases on the cow farms in my home state of Wisconsin, where no childhood is complete without chucking at least one cow patty at a sibling.

Funny, I don’t remember there being much hand sanitizer around either.

So it was absolutely no surprise when a press release arrived last week to announce that La Paloma Family Services would be utilizing the magic of cow droppings to raise money at a raffle this Friday. From the official rules:

The cow will be released in the middle of the field and then the field clock will time 5 minutes to allow the cow to become settled. Then wherever the cow drops a cow pile on the field will determine the winners.

Nice of them to let the cow settle first. Tickets for the raffle are no longer available, but what better way is there to spend a Friday afternoon than watching a cow decide where to do his/her business? The event takes place at 5:30 p.m., Friday, Nov. 19. More information is available here.

In other livestock news, the annual Chicken CoopTour is coming up on Friday, Dec. 3, and you'll want to make reservations soon if you want to attend. It usually sells out. More information here.