There's been a lot of music to see at the venues on Fourth Avenue and Congress in the last few weeks, including a stretch where the Rialto was booked for two weeks straight, with two weekend festivals at Club Congress as bookends.
And then, this Saturday night is Club Crawl, a can't miss event on the calendar.
Maybe you're a little exhausted, but if you can drag yourself out for another weeknight out, tonight would be the night to do it, between the National at the Rialto and Bazan at Club Congress.
Gene Armstrong's feature on the National probably should have been convincing enough to get you to buy a ticket, but also keep in mind that their latest album, High Violet, is almost certainly going to appear on the inevitable stack of best-of lists at the end of this year (including mine, if anyone asks), and this is only their second live show in Arizona ever. Go see one of the best bands in America and text your friends in Phoenix who have to wait another night to rub it in. It's a win/win.
However, there's still a decision to be made, as David Bazan (who used to be Pedro the Lion and now apparently has dropped his first name as well) and his world-wearied songwriting will be featured on the Club Congress stage. Bazan was most well known as a disgruntled fringe participant in the Christian rock scene, but his most recent album Curse Your Branches effectively turns his back on that market forever, questioning the very nature of his former beliefs. As a bonus, opener Wye Oak should probably be headlining shows of their own.