Coming Soon: Joe Mama's Grill

A new restaurant called Joe Mama’s Grill will start slinging fast-casual fare next week at 4230 N. Oracle Road, Suite 100.

Sean and Krista Kanter, a husband-and-wife duo who have spent most of their adult lives in the restaurant business, expect to open the eatery on Friday, May 28. It’s not their first restaurant venture, and to say it’s been a roller-coaster ride is not only a worn-out cliché; it’s also a bit of an understatement.

Sean and Krista met while working at a Tony Roma’s in California. They bartended and did catering gigs for a while, got married and decided to open a Jersey Mike’s Subs franchise in Simi Valley. After a bit, they sold it at a profit, built a beachside housing development in Costa Rica—and watched their dreams evaporate during the recent financial crisis. They eventually found themselves, their two kids and everything they owned packed into a 1995 Isuzu Trooper headed for Tucson.

Joe Mama’s menu is full of breakfast, sandwiches, salads and a very nice assortment of yummy sounding stuff ranging from the simple to the somewhat adventurous. The Southwest eggs Benedict come with pesto hollandaise (also available on a burger) and jalapeño cornbread. The fish tacos made with blackened halibut and handmade corn tortillas sound nice. And I could care less how the “muffcakes” taste; I’d order them just so I could say it and giggle to myself.

I will also be naming my next cat Mr. Muffcakes, if anyone cares.

Sean said patrons will order at the counter, get their drinks and sit down while their meals are cooked and delivered. Hours will be 6:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., daily.