Police Dispatch

At Least He Was Friendly

UA Area

June 29, 11:38 p.m.

A guy caught on campus with a lot of weed got in a lot of trouble for it (plus many other charges) but went to jail without a fuss, even addressing one officer as a buddy—almost as if he'd been in trouble so much, cops were starting to feel familiar to him, a University or Arizona Police Department report stated.

The young man was pulled over in a car by several UA police, who immediately found numerous ziplock baggies of marijuana that had obviously come from a dispensary, since they were each labeled with barcodes and names of the strains—like "Orange Cake" and "Jawa Kush."

The man, who didn't have a medical marijuana card, claimed the baggies belonged to his girlfriend, who did, but she wasn't with him.

Besides this trouble, he already had numerous warrants out for his arrest.

At the county jail, he turned to one officer, addressing him as "bro," and handed him one more drug baggie hidden in his waistband, admitting he'd been planning to smuggle it in.

He was booked without further incident.