Quick Bites: Pasta, Pizza, Pancakes & Primavera Cooks

Italy Meets AZ. There’s a lot of partnerships going on in this event. Italian chef Simona Fabrizio and Maynards executive chef Brian Smith are coming together to create a six course dinner. Italian and Tucsonan culture will be coming together, as the six courses will use local Sonoran ingredients to make authentic Italian food. Lastly, the UA College of Social & Behavioral Sciences is partnering with Maynards in order to put this event together. 6 p.m. Sept. 10. Maynards Market & Kitchen, 400 N. Toole Ave. $135.

Pantcake Breakfast. What would you do for a pancake breakfast? Empty out your savings account? Fast for three days? Kill a man? All Summit Hut is asking you to do is show up. This pancake breakfast is complete with coffee, juice, and a raffle ticket for some KÜHL gear. If you try on a pair of KÜHL pants, you’ll receive a free gift as well, while supplies last. Put on breakfast gear and get ready for your jacks to get flapped and your cakes to get pantsed. 9 to 11 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 10. Summit Hut 5251 E. Speedway. Free.

Primavera Cooks! These gourmet fundraising dinners have been going on throughout the summer to fundraise for the Primavera Foundation, which helps people find pathways out of poverty. This week, Chef Tim Moore of Pastiche teams up with apprentice chef Pima County Attorney Barbara LaWall. Five courses, complete with wine pairings, will be served at the Tucson staple along the Campbell Avenue corridor. Wednesday, Sept. 13. 6 to 8:30 p.m. Pastiche Modern Eatery, 3025 N. Campbell Ave. $125. Call 308-3104 for reservations.

The Garden Kitchen Grand Reopening. The Garden Kitchen, Fourth Avenue’s cutest culinary school and seed-to-table gardening center, is reopening after summer construction. In celebration, they’ll be holding cooking demos with yummy and healthy recipes to demonstrate the new and improved hands-on classroom. Tour the garden, enjoy a plant-a-seed activity, and pay tribute to plants, because plants are friends AND food. Saturday, Sept. 10. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Garden Kitchen, 2205 S. Fourth Ave. Free.

bRUNch Run with Southern Arizona Roadrunners and Whole Foods. If you’re a runner who’s anything like Matthew Inman, the man behind the popular webcomic series The Oatmeal, then you’ve deeply internalized the idea that the more you run, the more you can eat. Do just that with the Southern Arizona Roadrunners, who are hosting this free social run on a Saturday morning. Sign a quick waver, run either three or six miles down the Rillito River Path, and then head over to Whole Foods for coffee, smoothies and the most important meal of the day. 6:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. Whole Foods Market 5555 E. River Road. The run is free, but bring a form of payment for your discounted breakfast.

Pizza Patrón Grand Opening Event. We're hesitant to put the word out about this one, because we want to be in the first 20 people in line. Those who are (and who make a minimum $5 purchase) get FREE PIZZA FOR A WHOLE YEAR. This is not a drill. How much pizza can a human being eat in a year? Scientists have never dared to investigate, but it will be up to these 20 lucky pioneers to find out. There’s also free custom T-shirts from CREAM Design and Print available, and pizza is 50 percent off for the duration of the event. Pizza-n Earth. Noon to 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 9. Pizza Patrón 1785 W. Valencia Road, Suite 143. Free.