Splish, Splash, Your Dog Needs a Bath

Mark as Favorite

This Saturday, Aug. 12, get your dog washed for a good cause. Sponsored by Arizona Greyhound Rescue, some of the hardest working volunteers I have the pleasure of knowing will be behind the Veterninary Specialty Center at 4909 N. La Canada Drive @ River Road from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The cost for washing is $10, for nail trimming $10 or splurge on both for $15. Such a deal!

All breeds are welcome (usually the really hairy dogs show up in the last exhausting 30 minutes) and dogs are taken on a first come first served basis; payment is by cash or check.

If you wake up Saturday morning and feel like playing in the cool water and interacting with lots of dogs and friendly people, c'mon down. We never have enough volunteers for this event. You will need to sign a volunteer liability waiver.