Best Video Games Store

Game Stop/EB Games

Ya know something, dude? The old Hulkster's been on a rough streak lately. The wife left me, and Hulk junior had some driving problems. But, man, when I go to Gamestop, the old times come rushing back. The Hulkster understands the value of trade-ins, even if Hulk is a tad concerned he's getting screwed on the exchange rate, brother. Still, when I get home, rip off my shirt and start playing the most recent wrestling game, it all comes together, just like it did for me when I lifted Andre the Giant and slammed him through the earth. Whatchya gonna do when Hulk Hogan uses a video-game representation of himself to run wild on you?

Runner up:

2. Bookmans Entertainment Exchange, 6230 E. Speedway Blvd., 748-9555; 3733 W. Ina Road, 579-0303; 1930 E. Grant Road, 325-5767,