Monday, July 15: Day 5
Tour smells.
The sights, the sounds, the-smells of a hard-working rock band on the road.
Airplanes. "All train compartments smell vaguely of sh*t." - Al Pacino, Glengarry Glenross. It's true of planes, add jet fuel, add bad, stale food to that, and airports and you have an olfactory nightmare.
Venues. If the venue is a club, add all the above scents, plus eau de vomit. Moving on to ...
Diesel. It's everywhere. Especially on you.
Funk. In an all-male environment, funk happens. You can imagine for yourself. So, when one catches just the scent of a woman, it's heaven.
Hotels. Ooof. I could go on, all day. Anything below 3 stars and you are guaranteed 2. Mold and mildew.
Finally, there's home. The best part of Tour Smells. Makes all the above worth it. Stayed tuned.
—Winston Watson I Somewhere in Germany
Random road shots:
Go here to read Day 4 of XIXA's tour diary.