Vol. 21, No. 1
Major League Baseball continues on a downward spiral
By Tom Danehy
Welcome to our Anniversary Issue
By Jimmy Boegle
Readers' Guide to the New 'Weekly'
What's up with the changes to the 'Weekly'? Here's the inside scoop.
Happy Birthday, 'Tucson Weekly'
The 'Weekly's' senior staffer looks back on his time so far at the newspaper
By Jim Nintzel
Love Thang
And now, a word from our co-founder...
By Douglas Biggers
The Sporting Life
University and high-school sports in Tucson have improved greatly during last 20 years--yes, even UA football
Justice Delayed
Almost 20 years ago, the murder of an 8-year-old girl enraged Tucson; today, the convicted killer remains alive on death row
By Chris Limberis
The mighty, the memorable, the moronic: 20 political moments for 20 years
The Coach and the Newspaper
Lute Olson and the Weekly both came to Tucson two decades ago--and their fates have been linked in a number of ways
Reader Reactions
Some people adore the 'Weekly.' Some people despise us. Many others fall in between
By Dave Devine
Demand Excellence in Art!
A look back at 20 years of opera, classical music and theater in the Old Pueblo
By James Reel
Visually Speaking
Tucson's visual arts scene has seen ups and downs during the last 20 years; it's no different today
By Margaret Regan
Nerds, Love and Cannonballs
In the last 20 years, Tucson has distinguished itself as one of the finest filmmaking locations in all of Southern Arizona
By James DiGiovanna and Zachary Woodruff
Tucson's One-Name Wonder
Celebrating 20 years in Tucson, Janos talks about success, the changing restaurant landscape and the next 20 years
By Karyn Zoldan
High and Dry
An upcoming film chronicles the last couple of decades in the Tucson music scene
By Stephen Seigel
Sweet Spot
Is the fix in for a Tucson Mountains open-space buy?
Addiction, Thy Name is Friendster
A new online craze has enveloped Tucson as it has spread around the world
By Larae Malooly
New Digs
The Tucson Indian Center is moving--and has big plans for a proposed Rio Nuevo project
By D.A. Barber
Death on the Mountain
Ian Beal ended up a casualty of the effort to re-build in the wake of the Aspen Fire
Guest Commentary
A day on the trails makes for a challenging hobby; too bad finding good hobbies is so hard
By Catherine O'Sullivan
Thank You!
Welcome to the Tucson Weekly: Decade 3.
The Skinny
By Jim Nintzel and Chris Limberis
Media Watch
Police Dispatch
By Kristopher Califano
K. Rat
The paper's Uncensored section plays a big role in its success--like it or not
By Renée Downing
A Note From the Publisher
By Thomas P. Lee
Random Shots
Red Meat
The Range
City Week
By Carrie Stern
Viva Tucson!
The Gore of the Christ
Mel Gibson's 'Passion' makes for an entertaining, gory action film, but that's it
By James DiGiovanna
Identity Crisis
It's hard to tell whether 'Starsky & Hutch' is a period piece or a spoof
By Bob Grimm
Film Aficionado Delight
Bertolucci's newest picture looks wonderful, but it isn't as deep as some may think
Now Showing at Home
Top Ten in Movies
All That Jazz
A tour celebrating the 50th anniversary of the legendary Newport Jazz Festival is coming to town
By Gene Armstrong
DVD Documentation
Local rock group Spacefish joins the digital-video revolution
By Annie Holub
Nine Questions
Rhythm & Views
Let's English
John Vanderslice
By Curtis McCrary
Melissa Etheridge
By Jarret Keene
Top Ten in Music
Didgeridoo Dance
A dream-inspired piece leads the way at O-T-O's 'Soaring Into Spring' show
Honoring Brendan
A Sierra Vista artist is raising money so he can go to Ireland and make a statue of a famous saint
Big Horn Tale
Glenn Boyer uses the historical novel format to tell a story of George Armstrong Custer's life
By Emil Franzi
Top Ten in Books
Tribute to Tuna
Tatake, when prepared with knowledge and love, can provide an amazing culinary experience
By John Peck
Noshing Around
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