Monday, October 15, 2012
And now, to end a fairly long-feeling Monday, I present 40 Watt Hype's "Muevete," a song I first heard in 2006 while helping a friend out on his college radio show at UA's KAMP Student Radio.
40 Watt Hype is, in this writer's opinion, a quality Latin/Hip-Hop fusion band that just never got enough credit for their work. Based out of LA, the group appears to be keeping up with a sporadic performance schedule and still puts out an album every now and then (their latest, Push, is from 2010), but doesn't appear to have the kind of support (or, frankly, production) that could put them over the top — which is a shame, considering that their music is fantastic for laying around and grooving.
Check 'em out at their Facebook page, or at
Tags: 40 Watt Hype , latin/hip-hop fusion , strong feet on the concrete , muevete