Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Johnny Ramone!

Posted By on Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 12:15 PM

John Williams Cummings, better known as Johnny Ramone, would have been 64 today. Sadly, he passed away on September 15, 2004 from prostrate cancer.

It wasn't easy being a die-hard Ramones fan in the early 2000s, what with Joey, Dee Dee and Johnny passing away within three years of each other. Johnny was never apologetic about his right-wing politics, his disdain for other bands (until his later years anyways, he became great friends with Eddie Vedder, Kirk Hammett, and John Frusciante) and stealing Joey's girlfriend and later marrying her.

His rigidness and take-no-prisoners attitude kept the band rolling and in check though, he was the drill sergeant/tough father figure a band full of junkies and alcoholics needed. He was an amazing guitar player, an American hero, and if it wasn't for him and the rest of the Ramones sticking up for the misfits and weirdos I shudder to think where I would be.

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