Tuesday, October 2, 2012

'Hedwig' Is Returning!

Posted By on Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 2:29 PM


The best concert I've seen in Tucson wasn't at a theater like the Rialto. It wasn't in a club like Plush, nor was it in a large venue like AVA or the Tucson Convention Center Arena.

No, it was in Live Theatre Workshop's tiny black-box room, in January 2009, as Christopher Johnson held court as Hedwig in Etcetera's production of Hedwig and the Angry Inch.

The show was loud, profane and amazing. The band was tight; Johnson sang his ass off.

Well, Johnson—who is now part of the Rogue Theatre's ensemble when he isn't doing stuff for Winding Road—recently announced he was bringing Hedwig back to Tucson late next year.

But he needs dough.

I am writing to let you know that I have started a new company—The Bastard (Theatre)—solely for the purpose of bringing HEDWIG AND THE ANGRY INCH back to Tucson. I am writing you not only to officially announce the production, but to solicit your help in raising the money to produce the show. I need to raise $5,000 between now and next Valentine's Day in order to pay four musicians and one actress, rent out The Screening Room for two weekends, secure the show's royalties and purchase serval pounds of red glitter lipstick and some kind of Lady Deodorant.

I've set up a website (hedwigtucson.com) with all of the pertinent information and one-click donation opportunities for you to help me bring Hedwig back to Tucson—even if that means simply buying a ticket now. Depending on how generous a Sugar Daddy you would like to be, there are several incentives in place to reward you (more about that on the website under 'SUGAR DADDIES' menu tab).

I appreciate any love and support you can send my way to help with this exciting project, and hope to see you at the show next spring!

Get thee to Johnson's website and donate!

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