Tags: STDs , Tucson , Sex Ed , Sexual Health
Tags: Swedish TV , sex positive parenting , adorable grandma vagina , Video
Cynde Cerf, director of communications and marketing at Planned Parenthood Arizona, sends along an op-ed reminding those who are going to get busy during the holiday season to remember to use protection. Planned Parenthood will be supplying free condoms on New Year's Eve for patrons at Hotel Congress, The Shanty and Pastiche.
The holidays are upon us—time with family and friends, parties, champagne, and, even romance. At this time of year there can be such an overwhelming feeling of joy and happiness that when you add twinkling lights on a tree and a sprig of mistletoe, who knows where the evening could go?Campaigns about watching one’s alcohol consumption during the holidays are prevalent and serve as wonderful reminders to celebrate responsibly. But, when we are finding ourselves “in the mood” at this time of year, another way to celebrate responsibly is to use a condom when you have sex.
In the United States, about half of all pregnancies are unintended and each year there are 20 million new sexually transmitted infections (STIs). As the largest provider of sexual health care in Arizona, we want to remind everyone that if there is a chance you may have sex on New Year’s Eve, make sure you have a condom in your purse or wallet. The condom should be one of your most essential holiday accessories and that’s why we created the Party Prepared community health initiative.
To make it a little easier to access condoms, we have partnered with restaurants, bars and clubs in across Arizona, making 15,000 free condoms available on New Year’s Eve to communities. In Tucson, you can find free condoms at the following locations: Hotel Congress, Pastiche and The Shanty.
Condoms are not the only way to party prepared. Another way to make sure you are off to the best start in the New Year is to have emergency contraception on-hand. Condoms can break and sometimes, even with the best of intentions, they can be forgotten. If you need a primer on how to put a condom on correctly, we have you covered. Go to ppaz.org for more information and answers to questions you may have, as well as a full list of locations participating in this year’s campaign.
We wish everyone a safe and happy New Year’s Eve filled with fun, music, good food, flirting and romance. Here is to a healthy 2015!
I'm gonna blame this on the schools. Whenever things happen with kids, no matter what it is, people like to say it's the schools' fault, so I might as well follow suit. I guess I've got to give a share of the blame to all the sex and violence in the media too — you name it, TV, movies, music (especially rap!), video games. They're so far over the top these days, it's gotta be affecting the kids! Oh, and don't forget parenting. You can't let the parents off the hook for their kids' behavior either.
For example, we've got to blame schools, media and parents for the rate of violence among youth these days. According to a recent op ed in the Star,
. . . arrests for serious violent offenses by juveniles have dropped about 60 percent from 1994 to 2011. Juvenile arrests have receded faster in the past 10 years than adult arrests. Property crime by youth also has sunk to its lowest point in 30 years.
Wait, what? You mean kids today are less violent than they were 20 years ago? That's not the impression I get from the media, or from adults complaining about "Kids nowadays!"
OK, but things have got to be worse in other areas, like bullying, teen pregnancy, drinking. Right?
. . . peer victimization, harassment and bullying — despite their ubiquity — have been abating in almost all of the surveys. Suicide, too, is less common.
Not only is the rate of teenage pregnancy down to record lows in the United States, but the percentage of ninth-graders who say they have had sexual intercourse has declined from 54 percent in 1991 to 47 percent in 2013.
The number of teenagers who have been drunk in the past year is at a record low and the drop for eighth-graders is particularly remarkable.
What the hell is going on? How can I complain about how awful and depraved today's kids are if the stats make them look so good? Haven't our schools turned into jungles? Hasn't the increase in depictions of sex and violence in the media turned kids into raging ids? Aren't parents being too permissive, or too overprotective, or too . . . something or other?
If things were going the other way, if the stats were trending for the worse, people would be quick enough to blame the usual suspects. So I guess, given the direction things are going, we've got to say, "Congratulations social, cultural and educational institutions. Way to go! Whatever you're doing, keep it up!"
Tags: Juveniles , violence , teen pregnancy
I suppose it was inevitable, considering strip clubs generally serve beer and craft beer seems to be running its more commercial cousins off taps all over the place these days, but hey, there's a gentlemen's club making its own beer. What is somewhat surprising is that this isn't happening in Portland, Oregon (a place with two vegan strip clubs), but in the suburbs of Dayton, Ohio at a place called Pinups and Pints:
We went to the back room, which was where the brewery was housed. The brewery is a small affair — only a 15-gallon set-up, but a SABCO high-end computerized system that homebrewers would certainly kill for.Conrad confessed he hadn’t been an avid homebrewer, but the idea of making his own beer appealed to him. It also helped to renovate the club. Baby Dolls didn’t have a liquor license, and to get a license through the regional agencies can be tough. However, a brewer’s license is easier to obtain. Pinups and Pints’ type of license is the same one Fifth Street Brewpub, Lock 27 and several other local breweries hold. It allows them to not only brew and serve their own beer, but also to serve a full bar of guest beers, liquor and wine.
Pinup Pale Ale, Conrad’s inaugural beer, was being primed for release that Monday, but we sampled an early release. It was a solid pale ale, a good start on a new system and one that will get better as Conrad works out the kinks in his system. “If I’m going to have it, I might as well make it good,” Conrad explained. He plans to do an Oktoberfest as well, offering two beer styles alongside the full bar.
When asked about the impact the craft beer is having on business, Conrad noted, “It’s been great. We’ve been having people come out for the beer.” Alisha, the bartender, noted a similar occurrence: “People are interested in the beer. It’s fun to have more to offer.”
Overall, we had a great time. What we expected was light years away from what we experienced. With high-quality décor, attractive and enthusiastic entertainers and a solid bar centered around microbrewed flagship offerings, Pinups and Pints seems to have figured out a formula to turn around a struggling gentlemen’s club into something with the possibility of being a regional destination, as well as perhaps the only microbrewing strip club in the country.
Not sure Arizona's liquor licensing operation is likely to allow an adult-entertainment business to also brew beer, but someone has to be the test case, right?
Tags: pinups and pints , brewery strip club , craft beer strip club , today in strip club news
Well, according to this post, Foria, a personal marijuana lubricant developed to enhance female pleasure, is only available to medical MJ folks in California.
So no alleged 15-minute climax for Arizonana, who frankly could probably use 'em.
But how, exactly does a "stoned vagina" feel?
From Foira's website blog:
I'm going to get to explaining how, exactly, a stoned vagina feels, but the thing that stood out to me the most during the first time I used Foria is that I just felt really relaxed down there. Like, tension free. Like my vagina was kicking back on the beach in Mexico, without a care in the world.
Tags: Foira , marijuana sex lubricant , only in California , Video
The world is full of things I'll never understand. But I'm on a journey to comprehend those things, no matter how obscure and sexual it might be. Tonight, the Air Sex World Championships will commence at Hotel Congress, 311 East Congress Street. The competitor with the sexiest moves will be deemed the Air Sex Champion of Tucson.
You might be asking, "What the hell is Air Sex?" It's like playing air guitar, but with your genitals. For all you book nerds out there: it's like Hunger Games, but with someone else's genitals. Ask
Here's a clip of what you might see tonight:
Doors open at 7 p.m. Tickets are $12 and you must be 21 and older to attend. Click here for more information.
Tags: Air Sex , Air Sex Championships , Video
Tags: Underwear Party , Joe Pagac , Artifact Dance Project , B4skin , Video
Ambrosia Vibe from Orgasmatronics, Inc. on Vimeo.
Looking for a new way to explore your sexuality? The Ambrosia Vibe, a strap-on dildo that activates when touched, might be the key to unlock your sexual treasure box in that dusty basement of yours. Orgasmatronics and ddenn creative are trying to raise $32,000 to produce and sell this futuristic strap-on.The Ambrosia Vibe was developed by a former quantum physicist who is known by his pseudonym Dr. X. Treme. Dr. X’s resume includes a PhD in applied physics from Yale, a math/physics double degree from Berkeley, developing several technologies from concept to application in the quantum electronics field, and managing science research projects for the federal government.Sexual explorers 18 years and older can buy their very own Vibe for only $145. Other incentives include t-shirts, a leather harness and a weekend sex toy hack workshop. Go here for more information, and you can email your thanks here.
When stimulated, the Ambrosia transmits a signal and delivers a corresponding vibration to the wearer. By allowing the wearer to experience sensation directly as they use the device, the Ambrosia opens the door to new sexual possibilities previously unachievable.
Tags: Dildos , Crowd Fund these dildos , strap-on , strap-on dildos , Ambrosia Vibe , Video
Shameless self-promotion alert! I will be a guest on the The World Famous Frank Show tomorrow at approximately 7:30 a.m. I will be discussing the Weekly's 100 Essential Dishes list with the fellas, and hopefully talking Frank out of the drive through bit.
If anyone is awake at that hour, considering the whole city will be celebrating our Sweet 16 Victory (or god forbid, drowning our sorrows of a loss), tune in and catch my ever so charming nervous sta-sta-stutter and constant stream of "umms" and "uhhs".
Go Cats!!!
Tags: 100 essential dishes , food , Tucson Weekly , Noshing Around , The World Famous Frank Show , ball breaking , I hope I don;t make an ass out of myself