Tucson Weekly

Fox Theatre's New Poster Project Reminds Us To Mask Up

Austin Counts Mar 26, 2021 11:50 AM

While the governor may have kicked the state mask mandate to the curb, our friends at the Fox Theatre are reminding us to mask up with their new "hacked" movie poster series hanging outside the venue.

Created by Sante Fé artist Mattew Chase Daniel, the Masking Movie Posters project features several doctored iconic movie posters—from classic Zorro and the Lone Ranger to the 1994 Jim Carrey comedy The Mask—now wearing masks to promote mask use and getting vaccinated as the pandemic continues.

“As the Crown Jewel of Downtown, we feel that the Fox is ideally positioned to take a lead in encouraging everyone to work together cooperatively to move the needle," Fox Executive Director Bonnie Schock said. "Being able to fill our poster cases with such meaningful images to the public obviously fits into our messaging.”

Daniel approached the theater about displaying his recently completed work last February, which was made possible by a grant from the Sante Fé CARES initiative. As a part of the grant, the artist has to distribute his unique posters to theaters across the country.

His posters currently grace the poster cases of movie houses in Sante Fé and  Albuquerque, New Mexico; Austin, TX; Charlotte, NC; Pasadena, West L.A. and North Hollywood, CA.

The Fox is currently scheduling shows and events for September on a limited basis, Schock said.