Tucson Weekly

No Tricks, Pre-Packaged Treats: Health Department Announces Halloween Recommendations

Jeff Gardner Sep 15, 2020 14:00 PM
Courtesy Pima County Health Department
It's hardly a surprise to learn that going door-to-door with all your neighbors and collecting candy from communal bowls is a bad idea during a pandemic.

The Pima County Health Department today announced recommendations for how to safely enjoy Halloween during COVID-19. They continue to advise against large gatherings in favor of drive-thru events and maintained social distancing. PCHD is also getting creative, stating how wearing facemasks can even be incorporated into your Halloween costume.

Instead of attending Halloween carnivals or door-to-door trick-or-treating, PCHD recommends:
“The entire 2020 holiday season will look different this year,” said PCHD director Dr. Theresa Cullen. “I encourage everyone to have fun, but do so safely. Regardless of how you choose to celebrate Halloween, it is important to continue to wear facemasks, wash your hands or use hand sanitizer, and follow physical distancing.”