Thursday, September 3, 2020
The Arizona Interscholastic Association is allowing the upcoming high school fall sports season to proceed after recent state metrics show COVID-19 cases on a downward trend.
Football practice for many Arizona high schools could begin as soon as Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 7.
“The metrics have gotten to a place that we can start football practice,” AIA Executive Director David Hines said. “We can get kids in a helmet and shoulder pads and begin doing work.”
During a special meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 2, the AIA Executive Board voted in favor of endorsing guidelines set by the Sports Medicine Advisory Committee. The SMAC guidelines include social distancing, staying home when sick and no physical contact like high fives or fist bumps.
Modifications are being made to team schedules, and the qualification process for postseason advancement. The AIA plans on announcing the updates shortly once finalized.
Schools across the state will have control over when they allow fans back to watch the fall season in person. For more information, contact your local school to see if they’re allowing fans in the stands.
The 2020-2021 winter sports season is still expected to start one week later than previously scheduled to accommodate for amendments to the fall sports season, according to the AIA Executive Board.
AIA Fall Sports Schedule:
First Practice: Sept. 7
First Competition: Sept. 30-Oct. 3
Championships: Dec. 11/12 (4A-6A & Open)
The 1A-3A conferences are currently discussing possibilities for length of their regular seasons and when to hold state championships.
Fall Soccer
First Practice: Aug. 31
First Competition: Sept. 16
Championships: Nov. 4-7
First practice: Aug. 17
First competition: Aug. 24
Championships: Oct. 26-29 (Div. I), Nov. 2-5 (Div. II)
Cross Country
First Practice: Aug. 24
First Competition: Sept. 9
Championships: Nov. 12-13
Swimming & Diving
First Practice: Aug. 24
First Competition: Sept. 14
Championships: Nov. 5-7
First Practice: Aug. 31
First Competition: Sept. 14
Championships: Nov. 7 (Individuals), Nov. 9-12 (Teams)
First Practice: Aug. 31
First Competition: Sept. 21
Championships: Nov. 12-21