Monday, July 27, 2020

Lost Treasures: Voting in the Final Round of Best of Tucson Is Underway!

Posted By on Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 12:19 PM

The lost treasures of Tucson are spoken of in hushed whispers. Who knows what happened to these legendary talismans after they vanished more than a century ago? Did they really have magical powers? And where are they today?

Tucson Weekly is on the hunt for these long-lost treasures—and we need your help to find them as we embark on Best of Tucson® 2020.

But we’re not just looking for lost treasures. We’re celebrating the living legends of today: our restaurateurs, our brewers, our artists, our musicians, our bartenders, our coffee grinders, our bakers, our writers, our merchants and all the others who make our Sonoran home such a hospitable place.

That’s where you come in! We’re asking you to vote in the final round of Best of Tucson®! Earlier this summer, you told us your picks for Tucson's best in the first round of voting. Web editor Tara Foulkrod has tabulated those votes and now presents you with a ballot featuring the finalists in nearly every category. Now it's your turn again! This final round of voting will continue through midnight on Monday, Aug. 24. And on Oct. 22, we’ll announce the winners in our special Best of Tucson® collector’s edition!

Find your ballot here!