Several leaders of the African-American community will be co-hosting a candlelight vigil to honor the memory of George Floyd from 6 to 7:45 p.m. tonight at The Dunbar Pavilion. Floyd was killed during an officer-involved interaction on Monday, May 25 in Minneapolis.
"This is a peaceful vigil. It's about bringing peace and healing," event organizer and co-sponsor Jahmar Anthony said. "It's just our way of trying to bring peace to Tucson and bring some resolution."
Vigil-goers are encouraged to wear COVID masks and bring candles to tonight's event.
Anthony also said he wanted to address questions of why the City of Tucson and Tucson Police Department's logos are on the vigil's flyer. To Anthony, it's very important that city leaders listen to the African-American community to express their anger over police brutality as well as hear the first-hand experience of that brutality inflicted on the community.
"There has been a lot of confusion based on the fact their logos are put on the flyer and they are invited guests. When I say invited guests, it's mayor Romero and Chief Magnus," Anthony said. "The reason why we feel their presence is important is that we want them to hear from the community. They are there to observe, not act. We expect them to listen to our voices and then we expect them to go back and try to make changes so we don't have any more killings like George Floyd."
The Dunbar Pavilion is located at 325 W. 2nd Street.
For more information, check out the Facebook event page