Everyone's staying home and rediscovering things that they love—baking, art, music, reading, spending time with kids, writing or just playing video games and watching Netflix. Yet another thing to rediscover is the love of space, and April 7's supermoon is here to help you do just that.
Though the moon will be in its perigee—its closest point to earth—during the daytime, it will be full after the sun has already set.
"At 10:35 p.m. EDT—7:35 p.m. here—the moon will be exactly full as it will be opposite from the sun in its orbit," said Tim Swindle, who heads the University of Arizona
Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. "And since it's a full moon, it will rise right around sunset, 6:38 p.m., with sunset occurring at 6:47 p.m., to be exact."
Moss Phlox flowers.
If you're actually expecting the moon to be pink, you're probably going to be disappointed. It's named 'Pink Supermoon' because it often rose when meadows were blooming with swatches of moss phlox, which is native to eastern North America.
Regardless, it's always a joy when we get to experience a full or super moon.
So, at around 7:30 p.m. on April 7th, go into your front or backyard, throw out a blanket, and take a look at the moon and stars. Enjoy the moment of peace. Avoid taking out your phone to post photos with everyone else.
Unless you have a really good camera or some major skill, you're just not going to get the moon to look in your photos the way you're seeing it with your eyes. Sorry, that's just the way it is.