Tuesday, March 17, 2020
More details:I have decided that it is in the best interest of maintaining public health to close restaurants, bars, food courts, gyms, and other venues where groups of people congregate through the end of the month, effective 8pm this evening.
— Regina Romero (@TucsonRomero) March 17, 2020
I am joined by @CityofPhoenixAZ in this effort
Release from Mayor Romero:This order only applies to dine-in services, not delivery/ take-out. More details to follow. https://t.co/hcL9qSiwUL
— Regina Romero (@TucsonRomero) March 17, 2020
Mayor Romero Declares Local Emergency
Mayor Romero made the following statement declaring a local emergency and announcing a new set of actions the City of Tucson will be taking to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and preserve public health:
“This morning, after consulting with business stakeholders, the City Attorney, and City Manager, I have made the determination that it is in the best interest of maintaining public health to suspend dine-in services in restaurants and food courts, and transition to delivery/pick-up only services. Bars, gyms, and other specific venues stated in the proclamation where groups of people congregate are directed to be closed through the end of the month.”
“My top priority, above all else, is to protect public health. This is a painful decision that I do not take lightly. Several restaurants have already stopped dine-in service and transitioned to all drive through and curb-side pick-up.”
“I want to reiterate that food being served by our restaurants is safe. It is the congregation of individuals in a dine-in setting that is unsafe.”
“At this time, the best thing we can do is come together as a community and take care of each other. We’re all in this together. We will get through this.”
In addition, Mayor Romero has ordered the following actions:
● All service counters and lobbies within city buildings, including Ward offices and City Hall, will be closed through the end of March. The City will be continuing services and operations electronically. For more information, please visit tucsonaz.gov
● There will be no interruption in trash, recycling, landfill, or water services
● All evictions on city-owned public housing will be suspended through the end of April
● There will be no water shutoffs through the end of April.
Tags: regina romero , closures , covid19