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Agua Caliente Park will close next Monday, Aug. 19 for restoration of Pond 1. The closure, which will include the ranch house visitor center and art gallery, is expected to last several months.
According to Pima County Natural Resources, Parks & Recreation, the purpose of the pond restoration is to “conserve water by minimizing seepage from the pond and to improve habitat by deepening the pond and adding additional features.”
Staff have slowly drained the main pond to prepare for the project. Well water is no longer being pumped into the main pond, and remaining water is being siphoned into Pond 2.
According to the county, the first stage of the restoration project involved removing select palm trees and invasive cattails, which will help restore the historic view of the pond and allow native species at the park to thrive in a healthier environment.
Workers will next excavate the pond to deepen it and install a polymer-amended soil lining to the bottom and sides of the pond to reduce water loss. This phase will also include installation of a wildlife island and replacement of the bridge to the current island.
During the time the park is closed, dog walkers can visit McDonald Park at 4100 N. Harrison Road.