Monday, July 22, 2019

Taco Sauce talks their latest tour

Posted By on Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 3:24 PM

click to enlarge Taco Sauce talks their latest tour
Courtesy photo
Local Garage rock/surf-punk rockers Taco Sauce just returned to their Old Pueblo home after a mini tour in the southwest. Ambur Wilkerson had the chance to ask them about the tour and upcoming projects.

Check out Taco Sauce tonight at Club Congress.

1. How's the tour going?

Isabella: So, a few weekends ago we went on the first leg of our mini tour in Las Cruces and El Paso and it was dope! We brought our friend Jenn and she pretty much acted as our photographer and tour manager and the four of us had a ton of fun.

Gabi: Yeah those first few tour dates gave us an idea of how people would react to us outside of Tucson and it was all very positive.

Maya: Loved the food and scenery. Had my first margarita at La Posts in Las Cruces.

2. Where have you been so far on the tour and where are you guys headed?

Gabi: We went to Las Cruces New Mexico (my hometown) and El Paso then we have a few Tucson dates, Phoenix on July 19 and Albuquerque on July 20.

3. What's been your favorite place to perform so far during the tour?

Gabi: We only did two so far since it's a mini tour but Little Toad in Las Cruces and Monarch in El Paso were both very hospitable with a pretty solid crowd who were happy to see us.

4. What's it's been like to go on tour with Seanloui and Maya from YUM?

Isabella: Seanloui is only on the Owls Club date but we play shows with him all the time because he's my best friend and we're very supportive of each other. Maya is a great travel companion. She's very levelheaded and brings a lot of calm to the group.

Gabi: Maya is pretty much our rock already. She's so in tune with us on stage and in day to day life. And she's hilarious and badass so it's an honor.

5. How do you want audience members to feel after attending one of the shows?

Isabella: Energized, like they can fuck shit up and take on the world and catcallers and say fuck you to anyone you want to say fuck you to.

Maya: I want them to be in awe and to have had a good time but I don't want them to walk away feeling nothing. As long as it evokes a reaction I'm happy.

Gabi: Yeah I just want to get a reaction. I'd be just as thrilled to see people wanna fight me after hearing my lyrics, especially because a lot of our music targets misogynists and racists, but mainly I'm so excited to see how our music just gets people pumped and makes women feel empowered and validated.

6. What are some upcoming projects you're working on?

Gabi: We're in the studio with Ty Engle working on some new singles currently and also writing new songs, a few of which we're playing at tges6e upcoming shows. I'm also trying to finish scoring the short movie La Motochorra for one of my best friends so I'm very excited/exhausted right now.

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