Tucson Weekly

Pima County Pools Open on Saturday, May 25

Christopher Boan May 21, 2019 11:19 AM
It's hot as hell in Southern Arizona, with temperatures inching closer and closer to that mystical 100-degree mark.

Luckily, the Pima County Natural Parks & Recreation Department plans on offering sweet relief, in the form of opening the County's nine public swimming pools on Saturday, May 25.

Four pools, in Wade McLean, Northwest YMCA, Manzanita and Ajo, will be open through Labor Day (Sept. 2), while the other pools will remain open until local school districts open in August.

Swimming lessons are being offered at the county facilities, costing $20 per session, with the first session starting on June 3.

Novice Summer Swim Teams at all Pima County Pools will meet through the summer, with a $20 fee for the entire summer. Registration for the teams is open until June 7, or until that squad fills its allotted space.

For more information on the county's pools and the wonders they offer, go to www.pima.gov/pools