Monday, May 20, 2019

Decision on Bike Ranch Might Be Decided Tomorrow But Probably Not

Posted By on Mon, May 20, 2019 at 2:03 PM

Decision on Bike Ranch Might Be Decided Tomorrow But Probably Not
The Weekly may have jumped the gun with last week's report that the Board of Supervisors will delay a planned vote the fate of a permit for a proposed Bike Ranch next door to Saguaro National Park-East.

Developer Kelley Matthews, who designed the bike-centered property with her husband, Peter Lasher, said on Friday that the Board will delay the vote on the permit on Tuesday, July 2.

But Pima County Communications Director Mark Evans cautioned that the proposal remains on the agenda for tomorrow's meeting, although the Board would well grant Matthew's request to delay the vote until July 2. The board could also decide to move forward with the hearing.

"We're expecting a lot of interest in this agenda item and if a lot of people come to the meeting, the Board may hear the item in order to allow the people to address the Board if they wish," Evans said in a text message . "Whether the Board will take action or grant the continuance after the public hearing is at the discretion of the Board. Usually, the Board grants the continuance." 

The Weekly reported on the resort development in last week's print edition.

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