Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Three Great Things to Do in Tucson Today: Tuesday, May 14

Posted By on Tue, May 14, 2019 at 1:30 AM

Small Things Considered: 27th Small Works Invitational. Eighty artists from around Tucson and the greater arts community have come together for this exhibit at the Davis Dominguez Gallery full of small paintings, little sculptures and every other fine art medium. Each artists provides one piece that's 12"x12" or smaller and 18 inches high or shorter, and they fill the lobby, main gallery and salon gallery. It's not a show of miniatures, but rather a challenge to create a complete work of art in a modest amount of space. As if creating a complete work of art in any amount of space isn't a big enough challenge. Exhibit runs through June 22. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays. Davis Dominguez Gallery, 154 E. Sixth St. Free. Details here.

click to enlarge Three Great Things to Do in Tucson Today: Tuesday, May 14
Courtesy Jácome Plaza
Live at Lunchtime in Jácome Plaza. Do you always see our weekday events and feel sad you can't attend because you're at work? Well, for those of you who work downtown, here's one for you! Ditch your sad desk salad and head to Jácome Plaza for some fresh air and free summertime tunes. Today, Jamie O'Brien will provide the live music from noon to 1:30 p.m. 101 N. Stone Avenue. Free. Details here.

Spelling Bee[r] at T&B Downtown. With the advent of spell check, spelling is a skill that's gone the way of cursive handwriting. So, if you are really great with putting letters in the correct order, here is your chance to show off! Tap & Bottle downtown is hosting a Spelling Bee[r] competition complete with a giant trophy, gift certificates and even gifts for the losers! What's not to love. Sign-up starts at 6:30 p.m. and the spelling bee starts at 7 p.m. 403 N 6th Ave #135. Details here.

Events compiled by Tirion Morris, Emily Dieckman, B.S. Eliot and Jeff Gardner.

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