Wednesday, May 8, 2019
After releasing their acclaimed self-titled debut, this Melbourne trio launched the It
Takes One campaign to protest against sexual and physical assault and to create safe spaces at live music events. With strength and ferocity, standout track “The Opener,” from How To Socialize & Make Friends (2018), is a clarion call to the music industry to that effect. Camp Cope fight for betterment at 191 Toole. Flanked by Australian indie rockers An Horse and Oceanator. Details here.
“Just for the Record,” the Losers’ Lounge has survived for one entire year. The “unfussy roots” of singer/guitarist Adeena Black, the electric folk/punk of Gutter Town and the tweaked psycho-country of Hank Topless Band help commemorate this remarkable feat of underachievement at Owls Club. Details here.
Spectrum Jazz Ensemble is an accumulation of 16 advanced high school and college musicians from across Arizona, led by pianist Esme Martin. They make their debut at Hotel Congress in an all-ages performance. Details here.
Tags: music , where to rock , things to do , events , local , Tucson , May 8 , Image