Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Missing Parrot! Have You Seen Ernie?

Posted By on Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 12:22 PM

Missing Parrot! Have You Seen Ernie?
Rachel Goossen
Ernie the red-fronted macaw, left, with his brother and bonded flock-mate.

Ernie, a red-fronted macaw parrot, is missing from his home.

His owner, Rachel Goossen, is concerned that a good Samaritan may have taken him in to help but doesn't know how to contact her. The bird recently went missing from Willow Springs Road near Biosphere 2. According to a tip from workers at the Biosphere, he landed near a man working on fencing, who took Ernie with the intention of keeping him safe, but lost track of him in the South Tucson area, somewhere between Tyndall Avenue and 36th Street and 24th Street and 6th Avenue.

According to Goossen, the parrot is in very good health and could have flown miles from that location. She has not received a single tip since, so she is continuing to spread the word that Ernie does have a home and people are looking for him.

Ernie and Rachel are members of Arizona Free Flight, a local group of bird enthusiasts that advocate for responsible bird stewardship and safe free flight. To see photos and videos of what they do, visit their Facebook page.

If you see Ernie, help him return home by calling Rachel directly at (919) 827-2609. No questions will be asked. She just wants him back safely because she and her other parrot, Ernie's brother, miss him very much. 

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