Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Four Great Things to Do in Tucson Today: Tuesday Feb. 5

Posted By on Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 1:30 AM

Curiosity Symposium. Sandscript, Pima Community College’s resident literary magazine, is hosting this idea that folds both meanings of the word “symposia”—the wild parties they once were in ancient Greece and the academic conferences they are today—into one format. Participants are invited to come and sign up for a five-minute slot to present something—anything—they have to share about the theme for the month, followed by a moderated Q&A and, at the end of all the presentations, a conversation. This month’s theme is “home,” but upcoming themes for the year include “music,” “maps” and “water.” Get ready to reflect. 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 5. Creative Writing Center at PCC West Campus, 2202 W. Anklam. Free. Details here.

click to enlarge Four Great Things to Do in Tucson Today: Tuesday Feb. 5
Courtesy of Broadway in Tucson

Something Rotten! “Welcome to the Renaissance!” says the minstrel at the beginning of this show, which takes place—you guessed it—during the Renaissance. Nick and Nigel Bottom are brothers running a largely unsuccessful theatre troupe, probably because they’re literally competing against Shakespeare. Desperate to make a splash, Nick goes to a see a fortune teller, who tells him that the next big thing in theater will be something called “A Musical,” in which “an actor is saying his lines, and out of nowhere he just starts singing.” Ridiculous, right? Watch Nick and Nigel set off to write the world’s very first musical, and laugh out loud the whole way through. Tuesday, Feb. 5 through Sunday, Feb. 10, with shows at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, 8 p.m. Friday, 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday, and 1 and 6:30 p.m. Sunday. UA Centennial Hall. Students get $10 off, and seniors and military get $5 off. $19 to $120+. Details here.

Dancing Lessons. Ever, a young man and a professor with Aspberger’s Syndrome, and Senga, a dancer recovering from an injury she fears may end her career, live just two floors apart in an NYC apartment building. Obviously, they’ve never exchanged a word (it’s NYC, and they don’t even live on the same floor!) But (maybe just as obviously?) in this show, the characters do connect, because Ever signs up to take some dancing lessons in order to get by at an awards dinner. As they learn more about one another, they find they’re also learning more about themselves. It’s a rom com with heart, and completely perfect for a Valentine’s date. Tuesday, Feb. 5, through Sunday, Feb. 17, with 7:30 p.m. shows Wednesday through Friday and 3 p.m. shows on Saturdays and Sundays (there is also a 7:30 p.m. show on Saturday, Feb. 16.) Invisible Theatre, 1400 N. First Ave. $35, or $20 for the preview on Tuesday, Feb. 5. Details here.

Ana Mendieta: Fuego De Tierra. The Tucson Museum of Art and Historic Block and Center for Creative Photography are screening this 1987 film, highlighting the life and work of Cuban-American artist Ana Mendieta. Working in the mediums of photography, video, sculpture and environmental art, known as “earth-body” art. A talk by members of the Tucson Museum of Art and Center for Creative Photography will be held prior to the screening. 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 5. 140 N. Main Ave. Free. Details here.
click to enlarge Four Great Things to Do in Tucson Today: Tuesday Feb. 5
Courtesy of Tucson Museum of Art
Events compiled by Briannon Wilfong, Emily Dieckman, B.S. Eliot and Jeff Gardner.

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