Thursday, December 13, 2018

Three Great Things to Do in Tucson Today: Thursday, Dec. 13

Posted By on Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 1:00 AM

The Very Merry Holiday Sing-A-long Spectacular. Get your holiday spirit in high gear at the Loft Cinema with a sing-along series including clips from movies, T.V. shows and music videos. When else will you get the chance to sing with Lady Gaga, Michael Bublé, Nat King Cole, ’NSYNC, Kelly Clarkson, Frank Sinatra, Elvis, The Grinch and more? Admission includes a “Very Merry Goodie Bag” filled with props, and if you bring a new unwrapped toy for donating to Casa de los Niños, you will receive half-off admission. 7:30 to 9:45 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 13. 3233 E. Speedway Blvd. $12 GA, $10 for members and children under 10. Details here.

Reel Tucson Christmas. The Screening Room and Strada Company are teaming up to host a local short film festival, and it’s holiday themed! The evening is only five dollars, and for those daring, it’s free to enter your film. And to the joy of Tucson filmmakers who’ve submitted their pieces to other local short film festivals, this one is “gong free.” Send films to 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 13. 127 E. Congress St. $5. Details here.

Holiday Ride to Winterhaven. If you are looking to burn off a few holiday cookies or just love riding your bike, join this group of cyclists on their ride to Winterhaven. Parking can be a Nightmare before Christmas so avoid the holiday hassle and take two wheels! Tugo Bike Share along with Living Street Alliance is hosting the ride which will start at 5:30 p.m. at Time Market. Riders will then bike four miles to Danny's Baboquivari Lounge where they can park and indulge in a holiday beverage to keep themselves warm. From there, riders can walk through the winter wonderland of lights better known in these parts as Winterhaven. The event is free, although Winterhaven organizers ask that you bring a non-perishable food item for the Community Food Bank. Details here.

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If you go to any of the events listed above, snap a quick pic and message it to us for a chance to be featured on our social media sites! Find us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @tucsonweekly.

Events compiled by Brianna Lewis, Emily Dieckman, B.S. Eliot and Jeff Gardner.

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