Thursday, November 22, 2018

Stay Safe on Thanksgiving: Holiday Fire Safety Tips

Posted By on Thu, Nov 22, 2018 at 10:00 AM

click to enlarge Stay Safe on Thanksgiving: Holiday Fire Safety Tips
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SERVPRO Fire Damage Restoration Specialists recently sent out a memo to Tucson residents for how to stay fire safe during the holidays. Spoiler alert, frying a turkey is much harder to do successfully than you think it is.

A 2017 study from the National Fire Protection Association found that 47 percent of home fires are caused by cooking equipment. So let's try and save the brave men and women of the firehouses some trouble.

When you fry your turkey it has to be 100 percent thawed. If it is not, the water vapor produced can catch fire in an explosive manner. Also once your turkey is thawed it’s important to dry it as well as you can. Water in hot oil is bad news for turkey day.

SERVPRO also said that when cooking on the stove there are a few things to help ensure nothing goes wrong. First, don’t leave your food unattended. If you need to leave the room, turn off the burner. Also, try and turn pot handles toward the back of the stove so they can be bumped into.

18 percent of fire fatalities happen because of ignited clothing, so please, wear short sleeves! It’s also a good idea to keep a lid or cookie sheet close, so you can cover your pan in case it catches fire.

Here are some more holiday safety tips from The Weekly staff that you should keep in mind during the holiday season:

Don’t let your cat climb the Christmas tree.

Take a conservative approach to lighter fluid on the campfire.

Make sure your fire extinguisher is up to date. They expire every 5-15 years depending on the brand.

Smoking inside might provide shelter from the cold but it could end very badly.

Opening presents by the fireplace might be cozy but shredded wrapping paper next to open flame is a bad idea.

Don’t leave your fire unattended and when you're done, make sure to completely cool the coals.

Stay up to date with city and county fire restrictions. When air quality is bad, check to see if it is a "no-burn" day.

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