Friday, October 26, 2018

Keep it Green this Halloween

Posted By on Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 1:47 PM

click to enlarge Keep it Green this Halloween (2)
Courtesy of SM post
You know what is not so sweet about all that 600 million pounds of Halloween candy?? All of the wrappers, which are NOT recyclable. Besides the fact that candy wrappers are generally too small, their mixed composition of paper, aluminum and plastic also make them difficult to recycle.
“These materials contaminate the stream and potentially ruin viable recyclable materials,” said Adam Serrano, district manager for Waste Management of Arizona.

“Waste Management encourages people to focus on recycling clean bottles, cans, paper and cardboard. These common items can be made into new consumer products from cereal boxes and clothing to bicycles and playground equipment. Using recycled materials saves natural resources, reduces energy use in manufacturing and contributes to cleaner air.”
Have you thought about making your costume out of recyclable materials this year? Getting crafty and creative is all the rage these days! Be sure to check out Pinterest for some cool costume ideas made from recyclable materials. You won't have to worry about showing up to a Halloween party with the exact same costume as anyone!
click to enlarge Keep it Green this Halloween
Courtesy of Waste Management
Waste Management suggests “making a witch’s hat constructed from recycled newspapers, a ballerina tutu fashioned from plastic grocery bags, or Waste Management truck costume made with a recycled box.

Share your reuse-and-reduce-inspired costumes by posting photos to social media tagged @WasteManagement.

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