Friday, October 5, 2018

Continue Getting to Know Yourself at TMY Afterhours

Posted By on Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 10:00 AM

click to enlarge Continue Getting to Know Yourself at TMY Afterhours
Courtesy Photo

Is it really a party if there isn’t an AFTER party? Haven’t had enough of meeting yourself at the Tucson Meet Yourself?

TMY is stepping up its game this year. In addition to a new location and new vendors, there is now an avenue to keep the party going after the event has ended on Sunday evening.

Just down the street from the main event, EXO Roast Co. will be hosting “Taconazo” which is sure to be a heel tapping good time. A lineup of intimate performances from TMY artists “that both reflect the rhythmic and vibrant art of zapateado, or the tapping of tacones, heels.”

Featured artists include:

- Son Jarocho Collective and Flamenco Tucsonense 

- Hector Vega (Hermosillo)

- Misael Barraza (Hermosillo)

- Olivia Rojas (El Paso)

- Fabian & Katrina Sisneros (Albuquerque)

Exo is located at

403 N. Sixth Ave. 

Doors open at 6:30 p.m and the event runs until 9:30 p.m. 

Tickets cost $10. 

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