Friday, September 7, 2018

NextGen Arizona to Host “Wet n Woke” Back to School Voter Registration Pool Party for UA Students

Posted By on Fri, Sep 7, 2018 at 3:09 PM

Young voters can dive into a new semester of political involvement with pool party hosted NextGen Arizona this Saturday at Catalina Terrace (2440 E Hedrick Dr, Tucson, AZ 85719).

NextGen is hosting a pool party to encourage engagement from freshly returning UA students at 1 p.m. There will be free food, drinks, music, water games and the opportunity to get registered to vote.

Over the next few weeks, NextGen will be reaching out to students on over 23 campuses across Arizona and will host several major events, like “Wet n Woke”. They have already registered more than 12,000 voters this year.

If registering to vote is already checked off the to-do list, there is also an opportunity to get signed up to volunteer. Next on NextGen Arizona’s agenda is ensuring young people all over Arizona are informed and empowered to vote for candidates like David Garcia this November.

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