Monday, August 27, 2018

Three Great Things to Do in Tucson Today: Monday, Aug. 27

Posted By on Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 1:00 AM

Three Great Things to Do in Tucson Today: Monday, Aug. 27
Chipotle Percentage Night. Listen, you and I both know you're going to be eating at Chipotle sometime soon anyhow. So why not use your burrito date for a good cause and support Tucson High Badger Volleyball? Tell the cashier you're supporting the cause to make sure that 33 percent of the proceeds will be donated to Tucson High School Girls Volleyball Booster Club. Now that's a burrito (or bowl) worth binging! 4 to 8 p.m. Monday, Aug. 27. 1202 W. Irvington Road. Details here.

Refugee 101 Info Night. Tucson Refugee and Iskashitaa Refugee Network are hosting his opportunity for you to get informed about immigrant resettlement, and learn more about the struggles faced by new Americans. How do you define a refugee? An asylee? An immigrant? How can you welcome a family in your neighborhood? How do new Americans become self-sufficient? Refugee agencies and organizations throughout the city are represented, and all are welcome, especially present and potential volunteers (though attendance doesn't obligate you to volunteer—you're perfectly welcome to come if you just want to learn more about the situation, which we could all stand to do.) 5 to 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 27. Habitat for Humanity, 3501 N. Mountain Ave. Free. Details here.

Mondo Mondays. It's Monday which means it's time for another Mondo Monday at The Loft. It's College Cut-Ups month and this week's movie is a scary sorority girl classic. Killer Party has all the makings of a great '80's Greek Life flick, it also has some unexpected plot twists and turns. The movie starts at 8 p.m. and costs $2 for Loft members and $3 general admission. Details here. Events compiled by Emily Dieckman, B.S. Eliot, Ava Garcia and Jeff Gardner.

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