Tucson Weekly

Time Market Owner Purchases Rincon Market

Jim Nintzel Mar 30, 2018 13:00 PM
A beloved corner market is in new hands
A beloved corner market is in new hands
Rincon Market, a beloved small market on Sixth Street and Tucson Boulevard that has been open since 1926, is about to get a revitalization as Time Market owner Peter Wilke has stepped in as the new owner. Wilke has lots of plans to keep up the reputation for quality food and refreshments, as well as a comfy hangout.

So far, celebrated fishmonger Yuri Rabayev is staying on board but butcher Ben Forbes hasn’t decided whether to stay or go, seeing as negotiations are still in the works.

Wilke wants to extend what he does in the 4,000-square-foot arena of Time Market to the 14,000 square feet of Rincon by adding an artisan bread program, scratch bakery and a charcuterie option. The salad bar, deli and grocery section will remain intact, but may get a facelift. Another upgrade will be their coffee area and selection.