Thursday, December 21, 2017

Laughing Stock: What Are You Doing For New Year's?

Posted By on Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 5:00 PM

The joy of having friends over for New Year’s Eve can fall short of the annoyance of having to clean up after them when you’d rather watch football. We recommend making reservations for you and yours at Laff’s Comedy Caffe, The extremely reasonable price is a bonus; use the windfall to take a cab.

Featured are two of Tucson’s most popular visiting comedians – Andrew Rivers and Jade Esteban Estrada. Both perform twice on New Year’s Eve: a dinner show at 7 pm, $30; and a champagne-included dessert show at 10:30 pm., $25. Tax and tip are extra, but included in online reservations. The three dinner options include garden salad and sides; they are braised short rib, chicken Françoise and salmon filet.

A free weekend in Las Vegas goes to the luckiest door prize winner at each show.

Both headliners are proven Laff’s laugh-makers. Last December we wrote about Esteban Estrada the Prada Enchilada, with his “Las Vegas style and Palm Springs sass.” NBC news called him “The Prince of Pride.” He sends up the very stereotypes he creates with swishy bravado and a smile.
Rivers reprises his hit appearance last New Year’s Eve at Laffs, but, he promises, “Every time I visit a club, I bring new material.”

Turning to comedy when he lost his job a year out of college, Rivers says, “It was the best thing that ever happened,” he says. “It throws you out of your comfort zone to get crazy. You want to contribute to society in some way.”

His critically acclaimed YouTube series, “Don’t Quit Your Night Job,” in which he tries to do other people’s jobs, proves that comedy was his best option. “People are always, like, ‘I could never do comedy’. I could never do anything else.” His work ethic helps. “I've performed in 40 states, all over Europe and Canada, and on cruise ships,” he says, “there's nothing in ten years of comedy that I haven't done.”

If you have other New Year’s plans, you can still see Rivers and Esteban at 8 and 10:30 p.m., Friday, Dec. 29; and 7 and 9:30 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 30. Visit for details and reservations.

New for Comedy News

Here’s a new bookmark for comedy fans: Chad Lehrman has expanded his site from a resource for local comedians to a calendar of all the comedy shows in town. Soon he expects include comedians’ profiles.

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