Thursday, October 26, 2017

Laughing Stock: Oct. 29 and Other Trips, er, Tips

Posted By on Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 4:29 PM

Put on your roller skates Sunday night, Oct. 29, for two great charity comedy shows!

At The Whistle Stop, 127 W. 5th St., Tucson cartoonist David Fitzsimmons hosts an extravaganza to benefit Exodus Community Services, a local substance-abuse recovery program.

The evening includes a host of comedians: Nancy Stanley, Dave Membrila, Josiah Oswego, Unscrewed Comedy Theatre Improv, Elliott Glicksman and Fitzgerald himself.

There’s also a silent auction, and a feast provided by Vivaci, Kingfisher, Feast, Parish, Angelo’s, Lerua’s. Music by Kinda Kinks, a British invasion cover band, rounds out the fun. Tickets are $35.

Less than a mile away, at The Flycatcher, 360 E. 6th St, FST (Female Story Tellers) honcho Bethany Evans and her running buddy, artist Adela Antoinette, host a comedy show and silent art auction at 8 p.m. It’s The Best Medicine: Benefit Show to benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
The two organizers are raising money for an upcoming half-marathon benefitting the research center. Featured comedians are Nöel Hennessey, Steven Yanez Romo, Stacy Scheff, Nancy Stanley, Bridgitte Thum, Mo Urban and Matt Ziemak.

“There’s no cover charge, Hennessey says, “but donations are welcome. Art was donated by nine local artists, and 100% of the proceeds go to St. Jude.”

Puff, Puff, Laugh

Sam Racioppo hosts the new comedy showcase Puff, Puff, Laugh, monthly on the first Sunday at the 420 Club. The club’s new location is 3024 N. 1st Ave., Ste. 6. Admission is $5 or two cans of food for the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona.

“We do 10-minute sets followed by a ten-minute truth or dare segment,” Racioppo says. Dares included “Call your parents and tell them you are expecting” and among the truths was, “What is the biggest lie you have ever told a significant other?”

Racioppo, new to the Tucson Comedy scene, wants to create an opportunity for local comics to perform in a no-alcohol environment. It’s a chance for comedy lovers to enjoy the benefits of their medical marijuana cards in community and laughter.

Unscrewed Theatre Workshops: TRIUMPH Nov. 3 - 5

Unscrewed offers four 3-hour workshops with Amanda Blake Davis and Celeste Pechous of top L. A. improv troupe, TRIUMPH! Both have extensive national credentials for improv, sketch writing and acting. Workshop topics are A Taste of Longform, The Initiation, The Supporting Role and The Two-Person Monoscene. Classes are $60, each or $200 for the weekend. Register online.

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