Saturday, July 29, 2017

Tour Diaries! XIXA Day 14-15: Italy, Sore Knees, Hiccuping Fog Machines, The One Back at Home, and Writing Blog Posts on Mobile Phones

Posted By on Sat, Jul 29, 2017 at 6:09 PM

Days 14-15

Resolution and reconciliation.

After the events that took place in Turin, a million thoughts go through your head. Should, coulda, woulda.

All for naught.

Life moves on, you dust off, you keep moving.

Today, we are in Ravenna, Italy, to do a show tonight. Then it's on to beautiful Ariano, Italy, and eventually, France, before we return home.

This entry lacks a little verve, because my knee is killing me, I've had to write all this while in a moving vehicle, on a tiny phone.

And, I miss Maggie.

Stay tuned.

We will talk about, food, hotels, privacy (or lack of) and speaking different languages, rum, sodomy, and the lash... Obviously, I'm kidding about the last three. I just that thought album had a great name. I'm a Pogues fan.


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