Tour Diaries! XIXA Day 9: Show Rocks, Then Laundry Day in The Swiss Alps.
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Winston Watson
on Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 4:01 PM
Day 9 ... I think?
Day off in Thun, Switzerland.
Last night we played an amazing festival in Thun (sounds like "toon"). The show was certainly one for the books. And we most certainly rocked.
Today, we had a great day off at a very nice hotel right on the shores of the Thunersee "(tuner say"), or Thun Lake, in Thun, Switzerland.
When you tour at our level, it's better to work the most days you can when you're out here, because if you don't play, you have to pay, as in hotels, meals, etc.
But, a day off in a very beautiful location is really good for morale. So is doing laundry.
More on that, in a later blog.
Doing laundry on tour is very important. But like I said, we'll get around to that later.
Tomorrow we head to Italy where more beautiful scenery, people, and food await we weary troubadours.
Thanks for coming along, and stay tuned.
Oh, the photos do little justice to the experience.
-Winston Watson I Switzerland
Tour Diaries
Winston Watson