Check in daily to keep track of XIXA's on-the-road shenanigans—the dirt, grime, and glory, and all the hangovers and warts—from the Tucson band's current Bloodline swing through Germany, France, Italy, the Czech Republic and beyond. Today's entry by drummer Winston Watson.
Monday, July 15: Day 5
Tour smells.
The sights, the sounds, the-
smells of a hard-working rock band on the road.
Airplanes. "All train compartments smell vaguely of sh*t." - Al Pacino,
Glengarry Glenross. It's true of planes, add jet fuel, add bad, stale food to that, and airports and you have an olfactory nightmare.
Venues. If the venue is a club, add all the above scents, plus eau de vomit. Moving on to ...
Diesel. It's everywhere. Especially on you.
Funk. In an all-male environment, funk happens. You can imagine for yourself. So, when one catches just the scent of a woman, it's heaven.
Hotels. Ooof. I could go on, all day. Anything below 3 stars and you are guaranteed 2. Mold and mildew.
Finally, there's home. The best part of Tour Smells. Makes all the above worth it. Stayed tuned.
—Winston Watson I Somewhere in Germany
Random road shots:
here to read Day 4 of XIXA's tour diary.