Monday, February 27, 2017

All Hail the King (Kong)!

Posted By on Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 1:30 PM

The original King Kong earned its spot as a cinema legend, but the remakes—John Guillermin's lackluster 1976 film and Peter Jackson's bloated 2005 effort—have done little to improve on the original, despite advances in film technology.

So it's great to see that director Jordan Vogt-Roberts has evidently foregone the "Kong comes to the big city on display and breaks loose" storyline in favor of something different. Exactly how different will be part of the fun of going to see Kong: Skull Island, but the trailer released today suggests we're going to have lots of big monsters brawling on Skull Island. Kong looks bigger than previous incarnations, although still too small to legitimately challenge Godzilla the planned 2020 King Kong vs. Godzilla throwdown.

That's a worry for another day. In the meantime, enjoy some nice monster-on-monster action in the new trailer. Kong: Skull Island opens on March 10.