Wednesday, December 14, 2016
What musical act, current or defunct, would you most like to see perform live?
Honestly Tupac and like Ramón Ayala, honestly.
What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
I don't know what genre I would put it under, but its this guy named Madeon and its kinda EDM-ish—like dubstep sounding. I listen to it on my own time, never in front of people because people perceive me as just listening to gangsta rap and stuff.
What song would you like to have played at your funeral?
Probably "Never Had a Friend Like Me" by Tupac. Its a good one.
What artist changed your life and how?
I would say Kid Cudi. He was pretty much all I listened to in middle school, all his early stuff. His first mixtape [A Kid Named Cudi], Man on the Moon and stuff like that.
Figurative gun to your head, what is your favorite album of all time?
Kid A by Radiohead. That's my favorite album of all time, I would say. I can always go back to it and hear new things on it. It never gets old.