Quick Bites: You Can Give a Kid a Cupcake… or Teach Them How to Bake
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Anna Mirocha
on Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 9:00 AM
The Carriage House is a very classy restaurant. But who said kids can’t appreciate fine cuisine? Certainly not Carriage House owner Chef Janos Wilder.
This weekend he makes that very clear with the Carriage House’s first-ever kids cooking class (more precisely, baking class), when children—and teens!—can learn how to make fine cuisine—or more precisely, dainty desserts.
Carriage House Chefs Ashley Chen and Devon Sanner will lead youngsters between the ages of 8 and 14 in a fully interactive class instructing them on baking and decorating holiday treats that are so fancy they can be given out as gifts this year. (Although you’d better not even pretend the young bakers won’t sample plenty of their wares.)
The class will cover such tricked-out treats as candy-cane white-chocolate hearts and truffles, cupcakes in mason jars and more, and all participants will get take-home gifts for their families—even if the goodies they make don’t quite turn out perfectly … this time.
The class takes place 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 10, at The Carriage House, 125 S. Arizona Ave. Each child’s entry will cost $40 (and each must be accompanied by an adult). Make reservations at carriagehousetucson.com or by calling 615-6100.