Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Quick Bites: A Healthy Kind of Bar

Posted By on Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 2:06 PM

“Let’s just get a sandwich or something.”

The latest commercials for national chain Panera Bread pooh-poohs this phrase. But if you ever visit Tucson’s own long-beloved Food Conspiracy Co-op—especially for its ready-made snacks and meals (notably, but not limited to, sandwiches)—you might be saying it more frequently, with gusto, to your friends (and/or yourself … to each their own inner dialogue).

Because yes, the Co-op’s Conspiracy Kitchen—one of Tucson’s latest, greatest “grocerants” (noun: in-store diner offering cooked dishes and take-out prepared foods)—has just opened a “sandwich bar” (noun: like a salad bar, but for sandwiches).

On the menu? All sandwiches on the existing Conspiracy Kitchen made-to-order menu (e.g., the tempeh BLT, egg-salad sandwich, roast-beef-provolone-and-green-chile panini)—but at the bar, they’re made by you. So if you want your a hummus wrap—but toasted, on sourdough rather than in a sprouted-wheat wrap, with sprouts, not lettuce—just grab your ingredients from the bread, protein and veggie sections and make it yourself. And grab a salad or other side dish while you’re at it.

The sandwiches all cost the same, sure, but now you can have the power.

(We admit when we first heard “sandwich bar,” we hoped it referred to a bar that also specialized in sandwiches. But maybe that’s coming next.)

The Conspiracy Kitchen Sandwich Bar, 412 N. Fourth Ave., is open 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Call 624-4821 or visit their website for more info.