Tuesday, November 8, 2016

DeMarco Leads GOP Party in Prayer

Posted By on Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 8:36 PM

The Pima County Republican Party at the Sheraton Tucson Hotel and Suites is bustling. The drink line is long and people are in high spirits. Opening the evening, Kim DeMarco, running for District 3 Pima County Supervisor, led the room in the Lord's Prayer, asking everyone to hold hands. The room stayed standing for the pledge of allegiance.

Overall, people are excited at the possibility of a Trump win. One local family of five shows their enthusiasm with letters on their back to spell Trump. They are hoping for a Trump landslide said the father, Wes Morgan.

"We all came out to rally and support," he said.

With Trump leading at 139 over Clinton's 104, according to CNN, the Morgon's still have a chance at getting their wish. It's still too soon for numbers on Pima County.