Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Cinema Clips: Blood Father

Posted By on Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 9:00 AM

Mel Gibson is a fucking asshole, but he can act with the best of them.

As Link, an ex con with a tattoo parlor in his trailer and a missing daughter (Erin Moriarty), he’s a stunning, grizzly marvel elevating mediocre material into something completely watchable. When the missing daughter gets herself into some major trouble, she comes back on the grid by giving Link a call. Having never really known his daughter, Link is determined to be the dad he never was thanks to a seven year prison stint, and he goes into super protective mode. The two wind up on the run from a drug cartel, and that leads to sights like Gibson on a motorcycle blowing people away with a shotgun.

This is a tour de farce for Gibson, whose ranting inside Link’s trailer as it is being shot to shreds just might be the best piece of acting he’s ever put forth.

Director Jean-Francois Richet lucked out in casting Gibson as this character desperately in search of redemption. It suits Gibson very well at this time, and I can’t think of an actor who would’ve done a better job with this material. On paper, this script probably looked like a million movies that came before it, but Gibson embraces his chance to rock out and goes bonkers with it. William H. Macy is reliably good as Link’s sponsor, Moriarty holds her own against the insane Gibson and Michael Parks kills it as a former Link friend and true bastard.

If you should choose to watch it, I think you will be surprised.

Streaming on iTunes and during limited theatrical release.

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